Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Skin Correction at Juventis MedSpa

Skin Correction


Scar Removal:  reduce and remove scarring from surgery and wounds including:  Acne Pitting,  Breast Augmentation Scars and Tummy Tuck Scars

Color Correction:  Remove red and brow spots

Anti-Aging:  Collagen and elastin remodeling creates lift, reduces sagging and tightens skin. 

Fine Line and Wrinkle Removal:  These technologies are aimed at removing fine lines and wrinkles through the production of new collagen and elastin


Dermapen Fractional Microdelivery Technology provides unparalleled collagen production.  Recently awarded the BEST ANTI-AGING DEVICE at the Aesthetic Show in Las Vegas, this unique microneedling device creates new collagen below the skin by (1) triggering the release of the growth factors for new epidermal growth (2) stimulating production of collagen III, IV and I, and elastin for firm tight skin and (3) tissue remodeling to remove or reduce discolorations, fine lines and wrinkles and scarring.  4-6 treatments in 3-4 week intervals are recommended.



eMatrix PRO is a state of the art Bipolar Radio Frequency Device that triggers instant tightening of collagen and the production of new collagen and elastin production by up to 30% with each treatment according to the FDA.  It is considered by the aesthetic medical community to be the top technology for skin tightening, removal of discolorations, removal of fine lines and wrinkles and removal of scars. This technology restores damaged skin to its pre-damaged condition permanently.  For facial remodeling, a course of 2-4 treatments is usually required at 4 week intervals. 



Advanced Medical Chemical Peels:  Chemical peels work by "ungluing" the top layer of damaged and discolored skin so it can peel away and reveal the fresh new skin beneath.  By forcing the turnover of cells, the old dull and damages cells peel off more quickly.  Peels are an effective way to treat Acne, Discoloration due to aging and sun exposure and Fine winkling.  Peels are adjusted to your skin type and condition, they are extremely customizable.  While patients see improvement with one treatment, one to six may be necessary.



Call Now!!

Juventis MedSpa

2251 SW 27 Ave. Miami, FL 33145

(305) 448-0800

(305) 746-5356

Juventis is Miami's Premier Center for Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, Hormone Replacement & Skin Rejuvenation.



Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Juventis is Miami's Premier Center

Juventis is Miami's Premier Center for Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, Hormone Replacement & Skin Rejuvenation. We are a physician run Aesthetic Medical destination specializing in Health and Advanced Anti-Aging treatments. We are experts in the fields of: Bio Identical Hormone Analysis, Neutraceuticals, Weight Loss & Beauty: Botox®, Fillers, Laser Photofacials and Cosmeceuticals At Juventis, we offer the most Advanced Medical Technologies and match each of our clients with perfectly customized procedures to ensure the great results you are looking for.

Weight loss management
Juventis MedSpa is a leader in medical weight loss and body slimming.
We specialize in treatments such as hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), considered one of the safest and most effective ways to shed pounds and inches of stubborn fat.
You can lose 20 pounds this month. Average weight loss of 20 to 40 pounds in two months.

Skin Rejuvenation
At Juventis MedSpa, we have created an Advanced Skin Rejuvination Program utlizing eMatrix™ (Syneron®’s unique Sublative Rejuvenation™) along with a Proven Enhancement Technologies to go beyond traditional fractional methods for skin resurfacing.  We can significantly improve the look and texture of your skin with little or no downtime!

Call Now!!

Juventis MedSpa
2251 SW 27 Ave. Miami, FL 33145
(305) 448-0800
(305) 746-5356
Juventis is Miami's Premier Center for Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, Hormone Replacement & Skin Rejuvenation.


Vitamins have diverse biochemical functions. Some have hormone-like functions as regulators of mineral metabolism (e.g., vitamin D), or regulators of cell and tissue growth and differentiation (e.g., some forms of vitamin A). Others function as antioxidants (e.g., vitamin E and sometimes vitamin C). The largest number of vitamins (e.g., B complex vitamins) function as precursors for enzyme cofactors, that help enzymes in their work as catalysts in metabolism. In this role, vitamins may be tightly bound to enzymes as part of prosthetic groups: For example, biotin is part of enzymes involved in making fatty acids. Vitamins may also be less tightly bound to enzyme catalysts as coenzymes, detachable molecules that function to carry chemical groups or electrons between molecules. For example, folic acid carries various forms of carbon group – methyl, formyl, and methylene – in the cell. Although these roles in assisting enzyme-substrate reactions are vitamins' best-known function, the other vitamin functions are equally important.

Vitamin generic descriptor name
Vitamer chemical name(s) (list not complete)
Recommended dietary allowances (male, age 19–70)[20]
Deficiency disease
Upper Intake Level (UL/day)[20]
Overdose disease
Food sources
Vitamin A
Retinol, retinal, and four carotenoids including beta carotene
900 µg
Night-blindness, Hyperkeratosis, and Keratomalacia[21]
3,000 µg
Hypervitaminosis A
Orange, ripe yellow fruits, leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, squash, spinach, liver
Vitamin B1
1.2 mg
Beriberi, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Drowsiness or muscle relaxation with large doses.[23]
Pork, oatmeal, brown rice, vegetables, potatoes, liver, eggs
Vitamin B2
1.3 mg
Dairy products, bananas, popcorn, green beans, asparagus
Vitamin B3
Niacin, niacinamide
16.0 mg
35.0 mg
Liver damage (doses > 2g/day)[24] and other problems
Meat, fish, eggs, many vegetables, mushrooms, tree nuts
Vitamin B5
Pantothenic acid
5.0 mg[25]
Diarrhea; possibly nausea and heartburn.[26]
Meat, broccoli, avocados
Vitamin B6
Pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal
1.3–1.7 mg
Anemia[27] peripheral neuropathy.
100 mg
Impairment of proprioception, nerve damage (doses > 100 mg/day)
Meat, vegetables, tree nuts, bananas
Vitamin B7
30.0 µg
Dermatitis, enteritis
Raw egg yolk, liver, peanuts, certain vegetables
Vitamin B9
Folic acid, folinic acid
400 µg
Megaloblast and Deficiency during pregnancy is associated with birth defects, such as neural tube defects
1,000 µg
May mask symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency; other effects.
Leafy vegetables, pasta, bread, cereal, liver
Vitamin B12
Cyanocobalamin, hydroxycobalamin, methylcobalamin
2.4 µg
Megaloblastic anemia[28]
Acne-like rash [causality is not conclusively established].
Meat and other animal products
Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid
90.0 mg
2,000 mg
Vitamin C megadosage
Many fruits and vegetables, liver
Vitamin D
5.0 µg–10 µg[29]
Rickets and Osteomalacia
50 µg
Hypervitaminosis D
Fish, eggs, liver, mushrooms
Vitamin E
Tocopherols, tocotrienols
15.0 mg
Deficiency is very rare; mild hemolytic anemia in newborn infants.[30]
1,000 mg
Increased congestive heart failure seen in one large randomized study.[31]
Many fruits and vegetables
Vitamin K
phylloquinone, menaquinones
120 µg
Bleeding diathesis
Increases coagulation in patients taking warfarin.[32]
Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, egg yolks, liver

Call Now!!
Juventis MedSpa
2251 SW 27 Ave. Miami, FL 33145
(305) 448-0800
(305) 746-5356
Juventis is Miami's Premier Center for Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, Hormone Replacement & Skin Rejuvenation.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases...

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. Body mass index (BMI), a measurement which compares weight and height, defines people as overweight (pre-obese) if their BMI is between 25 and 30 kg/m2, and obese when it is greater than 30 kg/m2.

Obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.[2] Obesity is most commonly caused by a combination of excessive food energy intake, lack of physical activity, and genetic susceptibility, although a few cases are caused primarily by genes, endocrine disorders, medications or psychiatric illness. Evidence to support the view that some obese people eat little yet gain weight due to a slow metabolism is limited; on average obese people have a greater energy expenditure than their thin counterparts due to the energy required to maintain an increased body mass

BMI is calculated by dividing the subject's mass by the square of his or her height, typically expressed either in metric or US "customary" units:

BMI Classification:
< 18.5 underweight
18.5–24.9 normal weight
25.0–29.9 overweight
30.0–34.9 class I obesity
35.0–39.9 class II obesity
≥ 40.0 class III obesity

Juventis MedSpa is a leader in medical weight loss and body slimming.

We specialize in treatments such as hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), considered one of the safest and most effective ways to shed pounds and inches of stubborn fat.

You can lose 20 pounds this month. Average weight loss of 20 to 40 pounds in two months.

Call Now!!
Juventis MedSpa
2251 SW 27 Ave. Miami, FL 33145
(305) 448-0800
(305) 746-5356

Juventis is Miami's Premier Center

Juventis is Miami's Premier Center for Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, Hormone Replacement & Skin Rejuvenation. We are a physician run Aesthetic Medical destination specializing in Health and Advanced Anti-Aging treatments. We are experts in the fields of: Bio Identical Hormone Analysis, Neutraceuticals, Weight Loss & Beauty: Botox®, Fillers, Laser Photofacials and Cosmeceuticals At Juventis, we offer the most Advanced Medical Technologies and match each of our clients with perfectly customized procedures to ensure the great results you are looking for.

Call Now!!
Juventis MedSpa
2251 SW 27 Ave. Miami, FL 33145
(305) 448-0800
(305) 746-5356

Juventis MedSpa is Miami's Premier Center for Anti-Aging, Weight Loss, Hormone Replacement & Skin Rejuvenation.

Facial Wrinkles:  Many people have realized that they can rid themselves of ugly wrinkles around the forehead and eyes without the need for expensive, painful surgery. 

At Juventis, we are able to adequately and safely rid you of most wrinkles without the need for invasive surgery.

What causes wrinkles?  Although, many environmental factors (e.g. sunlight) contribute to the formation of wrinkles, ultimately it is the repetitive contraction of the muscles underlying the skin which are to blame.

The muscles in the face help us to be expressive.  The method of removing ugly wrinkles by relaxing muscles is more of an art than a science.  The goal is to ensure that you maintain the ability to make facial expressions and look natural while the offending muscles have sufficient medication to be relaxed.  At Juventis MedSpa, you will leave looking more youthful, without having to worry about the frozen toxin appearance.  

Is Botulinum Toxin safe for me?  Botulinum toxin (aka Botox® or Dysport) is a neurotoxin that works to relax muscles.  This toxin is a clinically used and widely accepted medication that will relax muscles when injected. Although potentially dangerous in its native form, this medication is purified and diluted to a dose that is safe and effective for injections in the skin and muscle.  Once injected, the effects of the toxin are localized.  It does not interfere with other medications or other organs systems such as your liver, heart, kidneys, etc.

Juventis MedSpa
2251 SW 27 Ave, Miami, FL 33145

Friday, July 13, 2012

Body Sculpting

What is Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation? 

Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation is a revolutionary new European fat removal technique that REDUCES BODY CIRCUMFERENCE, CELLULITE, as well as TIGHTENING AND TONING SKIN without the need for surgery, anesthesia, hospital stay or time off from work.

Designed for the person with stored fat pockets Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation is a great therapy for body shaping.  It removes stubborn fat especially in areas that don't seem to budge regardless of diet or exercise.

At Juventis MedSpa we use state of the art equipment along with scientifically proven techniques to give you great results.

What makes the Juventis MedSpa Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation different from other treatments?

Our Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation is the MOST effective treatment for the reduction of fat pockets and cellulite. Studies show that traditional Liposuction does not treat cellulite. In fact, traditional Liposuction often causes existing cellulite to appear more prominent and can cause fat pockets to appear lumpy.

Our program treats cellulite directly and reduces superficial fat giving you smoother; less dimpled looking skin in treated areas.  Unlike liposuction, Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation does NOT require hospitalization, general anesthesia or recovery time.

How does Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation work?

Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation causes tons of microscopic air bubbles to surround the lipocyte (fat cell) membranes.  It resonates a frequency and creates a pressure that causes fat cells to instantly break up.  Broken lipocytes are naturally moved to the liver and safely removed from the body.  This process is assisted by drinking a lot of water.

For the Science Minded:  Cavitation triggers the lipolysis of fatty acids from adipocytes (fat-laden cells) as a result of stable cavitation which increases cell permeability of the adipocytes and therefore an increased flow of triglycerides. A breakdown of the fibers through mechanical action (jet stream) occurs as well. Free fat, liberated from the adipocytes, is metabolized by the liver and eliminated in the urine. The procedure works to remove superficial fat.

The Summary:  Lipocontour Ultrasound Cavitation is a non-invasive method of reducing localized fat using ultrasound and radio frequency.  In addition to reducing fat, Lipocontour UC also has the benefit of skin tightening. The ultrasonic waves vibrate and break up the fat cells which are then liquefied and eliminated through the lymphatic and urinary system.

Juventis MedSpa
2251 SW 27 Ave, Miami, FL 33145

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement

Who can benefit from Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy? 
Bio-identical Hormone Therapy can help both men and women improve their health, well-being and longevity.

Women suffering from early menopause symptoms looking to put an end to hot flashes, night sweats, memory loss, mood swings, weight gain, and low libido are turning to Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. Juventis's team designs individualized programs specifically for each woman suffering from early menopause symptoms, menopause, perimenopause, and severe PMS.

And men experiencing andropause (the male menopause) who want to gain control of their weight, lost libido, fatigue, stress, energy, muscle mass, and body fat are also finding solutions through this natural hormone therapy. For men, andropause happens gradually and when diagnosed, the symptoms are successfully treated using bio-identical hormone therapy here at Juventis.

We offer treatments and optimize therapies for men & women so you can stop suffering from the symptoms of:

  • Peri-Menopause & Menopause                           
  • Hormone Imbalance                        
  • Low Testosterone & Andropause                       
  • Thyroid Disorders
  • Weight Gain and Management  
  • Hormone Related Menstration Irregularities

2251 SW 27 Ave, Miami, FL 33145

Skin Tightening & Neck Firming

At Juventis MedSpa, we have created an ADVANCED SKIN TIGHTENING TREATMENT utilizing a combination therapy that includes eMatrix™ Sublative Rejuvenation to deliver FDA Approved, Beautiful Results.

How Long Does it Take and Where Can it be Done?
Each firming treatment takes approximately 40 minutes and can be used to tighten: NECK, BUTTOCKS, SKIN ABOVE THE KNEE & ABOVE THE ELBOW, even hands.

Is it Safe?    
Skin Tightening creates little or no downtime and is safe for all skin types, light and dark.

Is it Proven?    
Results have been proven in trials conducted by leading aesthetic physicians and unlike traditional technologies, this therapy will not cause hypo-pigmentation or burning typically associated with laser based therapy.  

How Does This Compare to Other Lasers and Therapies?
This is NOT only a corrective therapy to remove the signs and spots of aging like most light based lasers, but a true REJUVENATION technology that stimulates your skin's natural production of collagen, elastin and retenoic acid, the building blocks of healthy, young skin to reverse the effects of aging.

Juventis MedSpa
2251 SW 27 Ave, Miami, FL 33145

Skin Rejuvination Program utlizing eMatrix™

At Juventis MedSpa, we have created an Advanced Skin Rejuvination Program utlizing eMatrix™ (Syneron®’s unique Sublative Rejuvenation™) along with a Proven Enhancement Technologies to go beyond traditional fractional methods for skin resurfacing.  We can significantly improve the look and texture of your skin with little or no downtime!

After treatment with eMatrix™, most patients showed improvement in facial parameters such as skin brightness (83%) and skin smoothness/wrinkle reduction (90%). Journal of Drugs & Dermatology, March 2009.  Now we can give you even BETTER results with our proven Enhanced eMatrix Treatment and it's FDA Approved.

Juventis MedSpa
2251 SW 27 Ave, Miami, FL 33145

Monday, June 11, 2012

Juventis MedSpa is a leader in medical weight loss and body slimming.

At Juventis MedSpa, we specialize in treatments such as hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), considered one of the safest and most effective ways to shed pounds and inches of stubborn fat. 
You can lose 20 pounds this month.  Average weight loss of 20 to 40 pounds in two months.

Weight Management with hCG:
Our specialized hCG protocol helps you to lose weight fast and keep it off.  We offer a comprehensive, personalized medication regiment along with vitamins and key amino acids to go along with the calorie restriction portion of our weight loss regiment.

What is the hCG diet?hCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, a hormone naturally produced by the placenta in pregnant women and controls, in large part, the metabolic function through the hypothalamus throughout pregnancy. hCG weight loss studies have shown that weight loss (following the Simeons protocol) comes directly from adipose fat tissue rather than lean muscle.

When paired with a very low calorie diet, low daily doses of hCG trigger your hypothalamus to tap into fat cells and mobilize their fat so it is available for use.  You consume 500 calories daily but your hypothalamus is continually releasing fat stores which means that your body is actually operating on thousands of calories a day.  The result....each day, your body has access to fat calories from your reserves so hCG dieters lose an average of 0.5 to 2 lbs of fat or more, per day without feeling hungry.  In other words, weight loss comes from the break down of unhealthy fat and, unlike other diets, does not strip the body of much needed muscle, vitamins or minerals essential to maintain good health.  Additionally, your body will be able to release fat-stored nutrients into the blood stream to be absorbed.

How much weight will I lose with the hCG diet?Most hCG dieters report a loss of 1 to 2 lbs a day.  At the very least, 0.5 pound a day, and at the most, 3 + lbs a day.  Factors that guarantee faster weight loss include increasing vegetable intake and mixing salad with each meal.  Fiber and water intake is extremely important.   
Treatment Course:
15 - 20 pound weight loss goals typically require a minimum of 26 days of hCG
20 - 40 pound goals typically require 40 days of medication
In addition to receiving hCG medication, Juventis dieters are offered weekly one-on-one counseling and provided with simple and tasty recipes ideas.

Will I be hungry on 500 calories a day?You may experience mild hunger during the first few days, however this will pass quickly and you will find small servings to be satisfying.  This is partly due to your hypothalamus adjusting your metabolic rate, but largely due to the amount of calories circulating in your system from the fat being released.  It is common that hCG dieters feel as though they are stuffing themselves in order to reach that 500 calorie limit!

Call Now !!

Juventis MedSpa
2251 SW 27 Ave, Miami, FL 33145